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i phone Face ID(X,Xs,XR,11..) or Touch ID(7,8,SE) - settings (release..)

by 똥쏘니 2020. 7. 17.

i phone Face ID(X,Xs,XR,11..) or Touch ID(7,8,SE) - settings (release..)

Because of covid-19, I often wear a mask.

Many people wear masks.

Face ID doesn't work when I wear a mask.

Of course, those who use touch ID are not applicable.


1. Setting click

2. Touch ID click (= Face ID click)

3. Turn passcode off   click

Enter you passcode!

This will unlock the touch ID or Face ID.

When you press the button, the screen appears immediately.

If you want to set it up again, click Turn passcode on.

At this time, you can use the previous facial recognition or fingerprint.

Re-registration is also possible.

Enter your old password and your Apple ID password.

Then click sign in. 

The picture below shows Face ID or Touch ID registered again.

Are you having a hard time wearing a mask?

You can do well.

Please live safely from disease.

<You never read this! You will definitely be rich. Be really real rich~ Cheer!!>.

